General Dentistry

The Importance of Good Posture on your Health and Bite

Jul 19 • 2 minute read

Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Roger Sperry, demonstrated that 90% of brain energy output is used for relating our physical bodies to the earth’s gravitational pull. This means that only 10% of the brain’s energy is used for thinking, metabolism, and healing. Therefore, if you want to improve your brain and physical performance, work on your posture. It’s not just about looking good. It may be the key to better health.

How does Poor Posture affect your health:

The average individual slumps in front of their computer, or texts on their cellphone, 3-4 hrs / day. Thereby shifting their head forward, resulting in Forward Head Posture (FHP) and Scoliosis.

In order to overcome this, good posture must be practiced in every aspect of your daily life. It’s a skill which demands your daily attention, but after a while it will become subconscious. It’s never too late to correct your poor posture and reduce it’s potential ill effects.

Shoulder and Back Pain:

Slouching can leave your shoulders permanently rounded. this may lead to joint degeneration in your spinal column.

Reduced Lung Function:

Leaning forward (FHP) can reduce your lung capacity by as much as 30%, according to Dr. Rene Cailliet of USC’s Dept of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Decreased lung capacity negatively affects the oxygenation of your heart and brain tissues. This may result in shortness of breath, vascular disease, asthma, and foggy thinking.

A 2009 study by Morningstar and Jockers showed that by correcting posture enhanced lung capacity. Leading to increased blood flow to every organ system in your body.

Gastrointestinal Pain:

FHP and rounded shoulders can affect the movement required to push food through the intestinal tract (peristalsis). This may result in constipation and altered nutrient absorption.

Can A Bad Bite Affect Your Posture?

Yes. A study at Tufts School of Dental Medicine, concluded that changing your lower jaw position, will affect body posture. Conversely, changing your body posture can affect your lower jaw position. Thus, changing your bite.

For example, pulling your shoulders and head back (correcting FHP) causes your lower jaw to move forward. Leaning your head forward and rounding your shoulders results in your jaw retruding (falling back), which may also result in developing Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD), Obstrutuctive Sleep Apnea (OSA), and orthodontic problems.

Poor Posture is Correctable

The key is to practice good posture all the time. You can make improvements at any age. Stretching and Core strengthening exercises can help, also. Consciously, practice good posture! You can practice sitting straight using a Pilates ball. Lumbar supports are readily available. Wear proper the proper shoes (no/or limit high heals). Position your computer and cell phones to proper ergonomic positioning.  It CAN be done. You just have to make the conscious effort all the time. So, when your Mom and Dad told you to sit up straight at the table … THEY WERE RIGHT!

What are you waiting for? Contact your dentist to improve your health and your life. Dr. Robert Bryce has successfully treated TMD patients as well as posture correction for over 30 years. Don’t hesitate to give him a call and start feeling better!

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